Services Rendered Shout Out (chp.1)


Even in paradise, a girl has real needs. On the mainland, we take a lot for granted because of availability due to being in walking or driving distance. On the island of Maui, limitations are common because of the high cost of shipping, changing the face of what you want into what you need. Seek and find is the name of the game here. You learn to ask questions of strangers if you want to know how or where to get something.

Tame this mess

The first thing I had to get under control was my hair. The Hawaiian breezes and humidity played havoc, causing it to turn into something I didn’t recognize. One day, at a movie theater, I met a woman whose fancy do caught my eye. Stopping her, I immediately asked the million dollar question after complimenting her, “Who or where did you get your hair done?”

She gladly stated, “Emily at Vegas Hair.” She added how efficient, fast and reasonable her technique and pricing were. So after a couple of weeks, we met for a “look-see” which would tell me in the first ten minutes if I would take on her talents or not.

Emily Vida, originally from Rotuma, Fuji, spent her childhood and teens between Oahu and Alaska where she graduated. She chose to visit Maui as a graduation present to herself to visit her uncle. In February 2011, after a long stint in Alaska, she decided to return to Maui permanently.

Do that thing

Since sixth grade, Emily enjoyed styling hair. She started her career at Thee Salon, in Pa’ia, HI off and on for five years. While there, the owner of the salon at Vegas Hair, would send clients to her for cornrows, weaves and extensions. In one month, she gained nine clients through his referrals. After that, she quit her job at Thee Salon and asked Roland to consider taking her on while thanking him for his kindness. Her current client base is by word of mouth and her handiwork is seen on the heads of local DJ’s while making herself known to performers in the entertainment field with an emphasis on musicians.

One of Emily’s trademark tools is an ink pen. No rat-tail comb for this sister to part your hair! Trust me, she handles her business fast, furious and with precision.

And in the meantime…

Stability is high on Emily’s list. As the single mother of a three-year-old, she seeks the security and comfort that it brings. She feels she owns her own business while sharing space at Vegas Hair. The environment is welcoming, allowing her daughter to be with mom occasionally while working. Her customers come to enjoy having a child around asking about her when she isn’t there.

Emily’s future goal is to be “The It Girl.” “When someone asks about cornrows, weaves or extensions, she wants her name to be the first mentioned. So here’s a shout out to Emily Vida. Thanks for doing a slam dunk, great job and keep up the good work!

Final work

4 thoughts on “Services Rendered Shout Out (chp.1)

  1. yes ma’am! her braids are worth talkin’ about! I worked with Emily at Thee Salon (not there anymore either) her braids blew me away then…and still do! thanks for sharing the word!


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