You Better Watch Out…

“Come, woo me, woo me, for now I am in a holiday humor and like enough to consent”-William Shakespeare

Christmas is on it's way!

Christmas is on its way!

Now that we’ve wolfed down the turkey, dressing, potatoes and gravy, it’s time to rest and digest. After all, there are two more holidays we must pull through.

My favorite is just around the corner. Yes, I’m a sucker for Christmas. I’m that person who decorates to the hilt. In fact, I have decorated five trees, set up an elaborate centerpiece and completed a door wreath. Should I also mention the four miniature trees that I decorated and gave away?

Before you ask, yes, all the trees have different themes and vary in height. Part of the decorating push came with the help of steroids that triggered insomnia due to a current respiratory infection. But like a junkie, I’m not afraid to admit my habit can cause me to get a bit out of control.

So here’s to the holiday lights, the trees and repetitive  Christmas songs. Everyday, I need a little joy and happiness no matter how it’s presented.

What are your thoughts?