
Vintage Romance Novels

Vintage Romance Novels (Photo credit: Stewf)

Hi, I’m Lila, a woman who has loved to travel as far back as I can remember. After our first family trip to St. Louis, I was hooked on asphalt travel.

Marriage proposals, engagements and the “big walk” down the aisle, were never offered to me. These unfulfilled teenage dreams did not deter me as I moved forward in life to find out what the world had to offer.

"Now, Voyager", 1942, Trailer Screen...

“Now, Voyager”, 1942, Trailer Screencaptures (Photo credit: thefoxling)

One of my favorite movies, Now Voyager, says this, “Be interested in everything and everybody.” For the past 17 years and counting, I have used every mode of transportation to reach my destination. As a freelance writer, my stories have found their way on the pages of national and local magazines and newspapers.

Currently, my first romance novel, You Need Love Like I Do, can be found on Amazon. My new book, the first in a series, The Fat Girls Club, will be released as an e-book with a print edition in March of 2015.

Mahalo, Bonjour and Goodbye.

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